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Project 2414 ....... India

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The project:

(#181, #186 & #187)

In the village of Nagulavaram in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, installation of a water purification system and the building that houses it.
Also, in the two villages of Rajupeta and Muthojipet in the state of Telangana, India, drilling of two wells topped with two India #2 hand pumps.
These installations, with a total cost of $20,990.00, will provide potable water to over 1480 beneficiaries.

The request: 

From: SOPAR, Shobha Singareddy
To: Fondation Coup de Coeur
Dear Monsieur Gagnon and Fatima,

First of all, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your invaluable partnership.
I am pleased to submit the completion report for the final project #5, which consists of the implementation of the following three projects: #181, 186, and 187, as detailed below:
Access to purified and affordable water that you have provided to 3 above communities in rural India means that 1480 women, men, and children are now enjoying improved living conditions. Your continued partnership has made a significant impact on the lives of the villagers. Our big thanks to Marcel and Luce Baril for their generous contributions.
Nagulavaram village in Andhra Pradesh State, despite being within reach of a reservoir, the village's elevated position preventing them to have access to the precious resource, as water flows down to the villages situated below. The fluoride content in their ground water is recorded at 3.00ppm which is higher than the permissible levels. Their journey to secure a reliable water source has been difficult.
After the feasibility study was done, mobilizing the villagers and local contribution took a bit longer than estimated. After insisting that at least 90% of the families must become members of the project, the elected water committee along with the temple committee as well as a local businessman recognized the urgency of the situation and came forward to take lead. Though slow to organize, eventually reached their goal. Committee members attended state level convention where they witnessed firsthand stories from other water committees on the transformative impact of organized water management. Finally, when the project was inaugurated, entire village celebrated the gift of water.
Huge thanks to the donors. The once far to reach dream of a water plant for Nagulavaram village became an attainable reality, symbolizing not just access to water, but a victory of community spirit and collective efforts. By ensuring access to clean drinking water for the villagers, you have restored the universal right they had been deprived of until now. Their renewed hope and the discovery of their ability to take charge enable them to play an active role in the stages of their community project, fostering a sense of belonging, pride, and responsibility.
The entire family of SOPAR-Bala Vikasa in Canada and India is honored to collaborate with you. We hope to continue partnering with you to successfully accomplish further projects in 2024-2025.

Thank you! Vandanam!

Most sincerely,
Shobha Singareddy
Director, SOPAR-Bala Vikasa 

Number of beneficiaries + 1 480
Cumulative Beneficiaries (FCC) + 1,074,999
Cumulative Beneficiaries Marcel & Luce Baril + 350,163
Total project cost $ 20,990.00
Beneficiaries in raw materials and labor $ 12,500.00
Marcel & Luce Baril $ 8,490.00
Fondation Coup de Cœur Consultants