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Project 2410 ....... Canada

  • Domaine :

    Food banks

  • Région :

    North America

  • Pays :


The project: 

The project involves transporting 4 trailers of potatoes, totaling 240,000 lbs, between Joliette and Lotbinière, with a total cost of $4,800. Additionally, there is the manufacturing of 60 wooden crates (priced at $100 each) with a capacity of 1,050 lbs each. These crates will be used to redistribute the potatoes to around a dozen distribution points in Quebec, primarily benefiting Moisson Montréal and Moisson Québec. The total cost for manufacturing these crates is $6,000. The overall cost of this project amounts to $10,800.
The request: 

Dear Jean-Pierre and Richard,

I hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out once again to seek your generosity in supporting a community project in Quebec.

The project involves the transportation of four potato trailers, totaling 240,000 lbs, from Joliette to Lotbinière, incurring a total cost of $4,800. Additionally, we plan to manufacture 60 wooden crates, priced at $100 each, with a capacity of 1,050 lbs each. These crates will be used to redistribute the potatoes to various distribution points across Quebec, primarily benefiting organizations such as Moisson Montréal and Moisson Québec. The total cost of this part of the project is estimated to be $6,000. Therefore, the overall budget for the entire initiative is $10,800.

We have entered into an agreement with large potato producers in Lanaudière, who supply us with trailers of approximately 60,000 lbs each, costing $1,200 per trip. Currently, we have received four trips, and we will soon need to cover the associated cost of $4,800.

Upon arrival in Lotbinière, Moissonneurs Solidaires has a surplus of wooden crates, but they require them for their own operations. To address this, I propose that we purchase our own crates for storing and subsequently distributing the potatoes to various organizations such as Moisson Québec and Moisson Montréal. This entails acquiring 60 crates, each with a capacity of 1,050 lbs, to meet our specific needs.

Fondation Coup de Coeur is willing to invest 50% in a 50/50 partnership with you, amounting to $5,400 each. Alternatively, if both Richard and you are open to a three-way partnership, Fondation Coup de Coeur is prepared to contribute 33% of the total amount, resulting in $3,600 each for the three partners.

We would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this proposal and whether you find the terms agreeable. Your usual collaboration is highly valued, and we look forward to your response.

Thank you very much for your ongoing support.

Best regards,

Jean and Fatima 


Number of beneficiaries Multiple NGOs
Total project cost $ 10,800.00
Claude et Francine  $ 3,600.00
Jean-Pierre Beaudoin $ 3,600.00
Richard Lalonde $ 3,600.00
Fondation Coup de Cœur Consultants