The project:
Distribution of 100 pairs of reading glasses in the village of Gisenyi in Rwanda.
The request:
Good morning and good year Mr. Gagnon and Mrs. Langlois,
I am sending you some pictures of the people of Gisenyi (Rwanda) to whom Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle distributed the glasses when I arrived in this country.
We asked people who had vision problems reading to come to our various centers (3). We received 3 groups of people to whom we distributed spectacles once their visual needs were analyzed.
The 100 pairs of spectacles received were distributed to the satisfaction of young and old. All of them had access to reading glasses for the first time in their lives.
Thank you for helping us improve the lot of these courageous villagers.
Happy New Year 2017!
Brother Gabriel Lauzon
FIC (Frères de l'Instruction Chrétienne)
La Prairie, QC
N. B. I will come back shortly to ask if it would be possible to help us with a grant of $ 5,000.00 CAD for a water project in Mubugangali, Rwanda. As you had asked us when I presented the project last October, we finally collected the $ 15,000.00 missing for the project of $ 20,000.00.
This $ 15,000.00 is now in the hands of Mr. Jean-François Dubois, in charge of International Programs at TSF (Terre sans Frontières) in La Prairie.