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Projet 1421 ....... Guatemala

Petites filles allant chercher de l'eau à la source
Petites filles allant chercher de l'eau à la source
Existing water source
Existing water source
Part of the existing water
Part of the existing water

Antigua Rotary Project Fair 2014 Guatemal
Antigua Rotary Project Fair 2014 Guatemal
  • Domaine :


  • Région :

    Amérique Centrale

  • Pays :


Le projet:

Adduction d'eau par gravité pour deux villages: 
Panibaj and Parajbey, Guatemala. 

Project overview
Parajbey and Panibaj
Santa Apolonia and Patzum
Located 15 kms outside Santa Apolonia, Parajbey has 200 families and Panibaj has 60 families. A family in average has 5 members. Some of the population work as day laborers in other villages to cover their needs making $60 monthly per family.
The water that both villages use currently is contaminated through improper human and animal waste disposal. Currently people are experiencing problems for drinking contaminated water, waste disposal, open fires at kitchens.
As a result they suffer respiratory infections, eye problems, gastrointestinal diseases and malnutrition, especially small children.
Water born illnesses are extremely common. Providing a clean, local water source coupled wih the addition of vented pit latrines and training on health issues will reduce illness and the spread of disease. It will reduce the number of hours used in collecting water, allow the women and children generally assigned this responsibility time to do school work or develop home businesses. It will reduce the deforestation currently occuring in the rural areas with reduced need to boil all water. The gray water filter will reduce the chemicals that are now leaching into the farmland and ingested during the consomption of contaminated food and water.
This project is to provide gravity feed water systems to two villages in the highlands of Guatemala. One system will be in Panibaj, Patzun, Guatemala. The other system will be in nearby Parajbey, Santa Apolonia, Guatemala. The project includes storage tanks, horinators, grey water filters and piping for both systems.
The project also includes 60 vented latrines in Panibaj and 111 vented latrines in Parajibey to improve the sanifation of the villages.
Approximately 1,200 individuals will benefit from the installation of the water systems. With the addition of 171 vented latrines and 260 grey water filtration systems in the villages the unsanitariary situaltion in the villages will be greatly improved.

Cooperating operator for the project :

International partner: Unity Rotary Club,  Maine
Contact: Deborah Walters 

Host partner:  Rotary Club of Antigua
Contact: Michael Bostelmann

Project General Manager
Contact: Francisco Enriquez


Nombre de bénéficiaires 1200 personnes
Coût total du projet $ 44,792.00
Fondation Coup de Coeur  $ 5,000.00
Multiple Clubs Rotary Distrcit 7090 et Fondation Rotary International $ 39,792.00