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Project 1619 ....... Burkina Faso

  • Domaine :


  • Région :


  • Pays :

    Burkina Faso

The project:

Drilling a well with installation of a pump and a curb to serve 2,500 people in the village of Dazankiéma 

The request:

The 6th of March 2015.
To Father Michel Allaire, in Tang Sèga.
Request for a well equipped with an India hand pump.

Dear Father Michel,

I have the honour to write to you regarding the request of a water well for the inhabitants of Dazankiéma, a village in Tanghin Dassouri.
The lack of water is crucial in Burkina Faso. 
Many locations do not have drinkable water while it is the source of life and development. 
The acquisition of this well will firstly enable the population of the said location to have access to drinkable water (hydration).
Drinking water avoids diarrheal diseases and many more linked to the issue of insalubrious water. 
Thus it will make it possible to reduce the distance travelled by women in search of water (more than 2 kilometres).
Moreover, this watering hole will enable these fighting rural women to start gardening again in order to produce garden centres for the reforestation of the village. Currently, production activities usually end after wintering (rain season of 3 and a half months) due to the lack of water.
Therefore, during the dry season, they remain inactive. Yet, the income received from these vegetable gardens is of considerable contribution to the blossoming of the family unit. Indeed, these brave women manage to resolve problems such as malnutrition by improving meals, thanks to the garden products, and to cover the medical and educational expenses of their children. 
Finally, thanks to this well, the village’s pupils (and those from the surrounding villages) will also be able to create their own school garden where the application and experimentation of the theoretical biology lessons, focused on plants, will be possible. In addition, they will be initiated to vegetable production under the supervision of a teacher.
Mentioned above are the diverse advantages that the population will benefit from with this drill.
In anticipation of a favourable response, please accept, Father Michel, my very best regards.

Mrs Lankoandé Bonégo Marguerite, resident of Dazankiéma.

Translated by Jeanne Pierron

Financial contributions:

Number of beneficiaries 2500 personnes
Coût total du projet $ 10,000.00
Fondation Mgr Denis Croteau $ 6,000.00
Fondation Minta Saint-Bruno $ 2,000.00
Fondation Coup de Coeur $ 2,000.00